Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Registration Information Step

This section discusses the back office settings required to display the Registration Information step of the Register Myself and Register Someone Else workflows, including:

·            Meeting Date & Time

·            Meeting Name

·            Meeting Location

·            Meeting Description

·            Meeting Pricing


For information on how to set up the Meeting Registration control to display on the web, please see Configuring the Web Settings for the Meeting Registration Control.

Meeting Date & Time

The meeting date and time displays on the Registration Information step in the meeting registration workflow, as shown below. For one-day meetings, the date displays as [Day], [Month] [Date], [Year] (e.g., Monday, September 21, 2015), along with the time. For multi-day meetings, the date displays as [Month][Dates], [Year] (e.g., October 18-20, 2015). For multi-day meetings, the time will not display.


The meeting date and time information is defined via the Begin Date & Time and End Date & Time fields on the General Setup screen in Product Maintenance, as displayed below. Additionally, if the Time Zone field is defined, the Time Zone Code defined for the selected MTG "TIME_ZONE" system type code will display. For more information, please see Defining General Meeting Product Information.

Meeting Name

The meeting name displays on the Registration Information step in the meeting registration workflow, as shown below.


The meeting name is defined in the Invoice Description field on the General Setup screen in Product Maintenance, as displayed below. For more information, please see Defining General Meeting Product Information.

Meeting Location

For one-day meetings, the location of the meeting displays on the Registration Information step in the meeting registration workflow, as shown below.


The meeting location is defined on the Location tab on the General Setup screen in Product Maintenance, as shown below. For more information, please see Defining General Meeting Product Information. If the room is not defined in the back office, the defined location will display. If no location or rooms are defined in the back office, this area will be blank. For instructions on defining the facilities and locations for a meeting, please see Setting Up Facilities for Meetings.

Meeting Description

The meeting description displays on the Registration Information step in the meeting registration workflow, as shown below.


The meeting description is defined on the Long Description screen in Product Maintenance, as displayed below. If the entire description does not fit in the allotted space on your website, a View More link will display and the web user can click the link to display the entire description. For more information, please see Adding a Long Web Description to a Meeting Product.

Meeting Pricing

The meeting rates and pricing displays on the Registration Information step in the meeting registration workflow, as shown below.


Meeting pricing is defined on the Rates and Pricing screen in Product Maintenance, as shown below. Please note that the rate structure/code MUST be marked as Web Enabled Rate in order to display on the web. If a rate structure of "list" has been defined for the product, the "List Price" will display. If a rate structure of "member" has been defined for the product, the "Member Price" will display. If the logged in web user is logged is a member, the price will display as "Your Price". For instructions on defining rates for a meeting product, please see Defining Meeting Product Rates and Pricing.

The Register Someone Else workflow allows you to use group discounts and have it display to the web user. Please note that the discounts are only visible at checkout.  For more information, please see Creating a Discount.  

If there is more than one rate code defined for the meeting, this field will display as a drop-down. Rates will be displayed based on priority, with the default web rate displaying first. The price that displays to the web user is determined by your back office configurations for the Billing Method field on the Structure Mapping screen. This field tracks whether the ship-to customer or the bill-to customer must meet the criteria defined in order for the order to qualify for the rate structure. If you set the Billing Method field to "Bill-to", the rate the registrant qualifies for is the bill-to customer's rate. For example, if the bill-to customer is not a member but the person he/she is registering the meeting for is, the registrant would qualify for the nonmember price for the meeting. However, if you set the Billing Method field to "Ship-to", the rate the registrant qualifies for is the ship-to customer's rate. For example, if the bill-to customer is a member but the person he/she is registering the meeting for is not, the registrant would qualify for the nonmembership price for the meeting. For more information about configuring this field, refer to Defining Rate Structure.


You can provide web users the option to purchase a registration only certain days of a conference or large meeting. If you have set up your conference for this option, he/she will have the option to select a rate for just one day from the drop-down and checkboxes will display for the web user to select which day he/she wants to register for. See Defining the Daily Registration Workflow for more information.

This field pulls the name defined for the daily rate. Make sure to name your rate something that will let web users know to select a checkbox with a rate, e.g., "Daily Rate - Select a Day".

You can restrict web users who want to register for a daily rate to only be able to select only one session option, by rendering the available daily sessions as radio buttons instead of checkboxes, as shown below. If you want the system to display daily registration products with radio buttons during the meeting registration workflow, enter ONLY_ONE (or any other user defined phrase) in the Repeated Event field on the Capacity Definition screen for each daily session "container" product (e.g., "Monday Sessions", "Tuesday Sessions", etc.). For more information, please see Defining Session Capacity and Control.

The value entered in the Repeated Events field can be any user defined phrase; this field is not tied to any system types and codes.